
vintage wallpaper design in apple green

I just can’t help it, I love vintage. And it shows.

I went through an old west prairie stage when I was a little girl (post the typical princess stage, of course). I loved sun bonnets, tiny calico prints, long cotton dresses, and letting the wind blow my long hair around.

All through middle school and into early high school, it was everything Victorian. Nosegays, Gibson girl hair, ribbons and bows. Sweet little sentiments written out in calligraphy and illustrations of delicate hands holding bouquets.

Both of those aesthetics still hold strong for me. Since then, I’ve added an appreciation for retro themes from the 60’s and 70’s, gothic romance, art nouveau, and everything in between. Don’t even get me started on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.

When designing, I am most drawn to the textiles from the 30’s through the early 50’s. The 30’s brings to mind creating beautiful and yet practical things, like sturdy decorated dishes and tablecloths that are more lovely the more you use them. There’s this color of green from the 30’s that I adore- it’s sort of an apple green but with added depth somehow. And the color palettes in the 40’s! I can’t get enough. In the 50’s, designs were sweet, sometimes cute even, and ultra feminine. Simple little motifs that make you smile.

For this design, I wanted that 50’s motif style with the 30’s green. I have another version in pink below. But the green is my fave. Which is yours?

vintage wallpaper design in rose pink

So much inspiration to be drawn from the past. I’m beyond thankful that researching is so accessible!

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